Completed Projects
Business Ukrainian Textbook
Textbook by Alla Nedashkivska, University of Alberta
This textbook is designed to aid students in developing a working knowledge of Ukrainian for the purpose of business and professional contacts in Ukraine. Emphasis is on intensive oral and written practice, with attention to gaining professional and socio-cultural competence in Ukrainian. Activities are structured around texts (written, video and image) that a professional may encounter in Ukraine. Topics include: resume, employment and job interview process, official documentation and professional etiquette, finance and banking, and insurance.Ukrainian Through Its Living Culture: Advanced Level Language Textbook
Textbook by Alla Nedashkivska, University of Alberta
Placing language learning within a cultural framework enlivens the learning process and jumpstarts contextual conversations in the classroom. Experienced instructor Dr. Alla Nedashkivska has crafted a textbook that presents a modern version of Ukrainian, one that will encourage students' interest in learning, with the goal of building proficiency in the language and knowledge of Ukrainian culture and society. This text is excellent for studies over a longer period, using the intermediate exercises to start, then progressing to the advanced exercises to cement comprehension. An absolute must for anyone teaching or learning Ukrainian at senior levels.About the author: Alla Nedashkivska. Alla Nedashkivska is an Associate Professor at the University of Alberta in the department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies, where she teaches several Ukrainian language and Slavic Linguistics courses. She lives in Edmonton, Alberta.
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