Who We Are
The Alberta Foundation for Ukrainian Education Society (AFUES) supports the development of Ukrainian language education in order to foster and promote positive social and cultural identity within Canada’s diverse mosaic. We value the development and innovation of Ukrainian language education (ULE) in Canada. We believe that ULE leads to a positive identity. We value fair and equitable treatment of all who participate in ULE. We value responsible and timely funding of ULE.
What We Do
AFUES grants are intended to fund costs associated with scholarships, studying Ukrainian in Ukraine, developing Ukrainian learning resources, conducting research, or other projects related to the development and innovation of Ukrainian language education in Alberta. Also, AFUES grants are provided for the promotion and sustainability of Ukrainian language use in Canada, and for the development of a positive social and cultural identity within Canada’s diverse mosaic.
Who Can Apply
For example, initiatives may take the form of scholarships, student study travel to Ukraine, developing Ukrainian learning resources, publishing of learning resources, conducting research or needs analyses, or other projects related to the promotion and sustainability of Ukrainian language learning in Canada. Teachers, instructors, students, schools, researchers, community organizations and other relevant bodies can submit proposals that adhere to the AFUES vision. Repeat applications are welcome, but must be for different projects or initiatives.
News & Announcements
AFUES leads the way in developing Ukrainian language education
(UkrNews)—Since its inception in 1979 by the Ukrainian Professional and Business Club of Edmonton, the Alberta Foundation for Ukrainian Education Society (AFUES) has been leading the way in developing Ukrainian language education in this province.
According to its Mission Statement: “The Alberta Foundation for Ukrainian Education Society (AFUES) supports the development of Ukrainian language education in order to foster and promote positive social and cultural identity within Canada’s diverse mosaic. We value the development and innovation of Ukrainian language education (ULE) in Canada. AFUES grants are intended to fund costs associated with scholarships, developing Ukrainian learning resources, conducting research, or other projects related to the development and innovation of Ukrainian language education.”
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Seasons greetings from AFUES Executives /
Announcement of 2017 AFUES AGM
Members of the Ukrainian community are cordially invited to join us for the AFUES Annual General Meeting to take place on:
Wednesday, January 25, 2017, 7:00 PM
Chateau Louis Conference Centre
11727 Kingsway Avenue

Scholarships to Study Ukrainian in Lviv
The Alberta Foundation for Ukrainian Education Society (AFUES), in Partnership with the Ukrainian Professional and Business Club of Edmonton, offers a $300 scholarship to students taking the “Ukrainian Through Its Living Culture” course in Lviv. For a description of the AFUES criteria, see the Application below. To find out more about the course, go to the Ukrainian through its Living Culture webpage.
Download application